Our cloud print solutions are essential for serverless environments and provide a robust solution for problematic print queues in on-premises setups. Fully integrated with Office 365 identities, our solution offers secure release across single or multiple sites.
Our cloud print solutions are designed for serverless environments, eliminating the need for traditional print servers.
Resolve issues with problematic print queues in on-premises solutions, ensuring smooth and reliable printing operations.
Natively support badge release on compatible printers or extend badge release to non-compatible printers via an external badge reader.
Fully integrated with Office 365 identities, offering secure release across single or multiple sites.
Printers automatically add themselves when you walk into a building and remove themselves when you go home or to another location.
We specialise in integrating as much as possible into a simpler format across your cloud services, telephony, networks, disaster recovery, cyber security and a whole host more.
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